07 January, 2007

Kafada binbir duygu.... And me on a street...

My time in Istanbul is almost up --- at least for the current episode... Little time is currently available to me to eulogize it, categorize, cry over it, etc...

At another time, there will be Inshallah be an opportunity to summarize recent trips, highlights, lowlights, and everything else.

Hasret ve Özlem gitmeden önce başladı; gittikten sonra derinleşeceklermiş...

Ne kadar zamandır buradan uzak kalabilecek miyim? Herhalde o kadar çok zamandır yok...

And, for no apparent reason, a picture of me demonstrating how it is that Turkish girls don't like my beard to an enraptured audience in Tunceli...

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Welcome Home!
(Ok, one third around the world away;-))