31 July, 2007

Cryptic Tonsillitis?

Forty-eight hours of fevers, rashes, inability to swallow, disorientation, loss of apetite, painful eye movements, headaches -- and will leave aside whatever happened in thewashroom --- convinced me that perhaps another trip to the doctor was in order.

And indeed it was: Apparently, I have 'Cryptic Tonsillitis' and very low blood pressure, requiring a daily dose of two very large and friendly needles full of penicillin inserted into my bottom regions. This doesn't sound like a fantastic prospect, but neither does never swallowing again.

Anyway, the day passed again with free IV at Kars' state hospital, but instead of company in the form of bantering doctors, my companions as the IV slowly flowed into my arm (an arm I'm sure will resemble a heroin addict's by the time they're done with me here) were three consistently, persistently and remarkably annoying flies --- it is hard to believe how flies could be so annoying, but maybe you just have to have cryptic tonsillitis and on IV in Kars' state hospital to understand...


Johanna said...

Immernoch die Mandelentzündung (Tonsilits) - das ist nicht schön. Ich hoffe dir geht es bald besser. Wann fliegst du zurück nach Kanada?
Gute Besserung & Bis Bald,

Carly said...

get better - we need you home in one piece!

Anonymous said...

hey, when i was in the hospital, i used to count the flies in the light fixtures..its amazing how many dead flies are in hospital..guess we have to entertain ourselves somehow..crypic-T is terrible..we all have Tales from the crypts!!!