06 December, 2006

From Istanbul to Kosovo

Time and a whirlwind of activity prevents me from engaging in great deal my thoughts and observations (if they are of any consequence anyway) of the last few days of nearly straight travel, so I shall try to encapsulate it in some sort of point form, and save the long-winded ranting for some other day (perhaps.... an email?)

- Empty train from Istanbul to Nis in Serbia, save for Halil the conductor... Didn't help my reputation for being a spy when I guessed his Islamic sect (Alevi) based on his home town (Malatya), and his newspaper of choice (BirGun)....
- Deposited in Nis, Serbia at 17.00... Information centre unhelpful. Eventually found way to busstation, ate dodgy hamburger (as one does when in Eastern Europe).
- Boarded dingy bus for Novi Pazar, last stop before Kosovo.
- Stayed at a UFO-like hotel there, probably the coolest place I've ever stayed at...
- Walked around in the glaring sunlight and muddy streets, hung out with the helpful (if unproficient in English, or any possible common language) Ultimate Fighters at the Islamic Centre in the centre.
- Visited Serbian monastery on the outskirts of town...
- Boarded the bus to Prishtine in Kosovo...
- Find myself here, surviving on German, in a town that is OK, but could possibly be more interesting, although little else could be expected, I suppose....

Tomorrow, who knows...


Carly said...

Schteffi - it is about time you started blogging again.
In Eastern Europe one is supposed eat dodgy falaffel or kebab.

Johanna said...

Yippie! A blog! Somthing to waste my time with instead of doing somthing sensibel :-)A big "Shukran"!
And now - where are you going to the next days? Until christmas you are welcome in Leipzig and from christmas on you have the one-time chance to see Osnabrück, the city of peace of the 30 years war from 1818-1848 ;-)
Take Care,

that girl possessed said...

schteffi... how i have longed for you to blog. i think i shall add you to my links list, my friend.

see you in january :)

Carly said...

wtf - january!
a mini-keg is req'd.
my treat.

Stefan said...

Ja, so wunsche ich dass ich die Gelegenheit wieder in Deutschland haette. Ich habe niemals soviel tun in so eine kurze Zeit... Vielleicht werde ich wieder in der Tuerkei am 14. sein, und danach gehe ich zur Irakischen Grenze...

Stefan said...

And yes, a mini keg, of course Carlita...